
Tencent Cloud Korea Lightweight VPS Performance Review: 2C1G, 200Mbps Unmetered Bandwidth Just ¥35/M

2025-01-20 / 0 Comment / 0 Like / 5 Views / 0 words / It is currently checking whether it has been included...

Tencent Cloud Korea·Seoul Rapid Lite Application Server offers 2 cores, 1GB RAM, 200Mbps unmetered bandwidth for just ¥35/month; 2 cores, 4GB RAM, 200Mbps for only ¥60/month.

Recently, Alibaba Cloud launched a lightweight package featuring 200Mbps unmetered bandwidth. Now, Tencent Cloud follows suit (still in beta testing at the time of writing; beta test application required for purchase). The package is available in most regions, including Mainland China, Hong Kong, and overseas, and offers excellent cost-performance. The bandwidth is likely shared and might experience dips during peak periods, but at this price point, it’s a great deal.

Network routing: Direct return for the three major Chinese ISPs, with outbound routes appearing to pass through the US (some outbound IP information suggests the US, but latency performance doesn’t indicate a significant detour).

Alibaba Cloud Shenzhen Lightweight Application Server performance review, 2-core 1GB, 200Mbps unmetered bandwidth for ¥40/month: https://blog.zeruns.com/archives/832.html

Introduction to Tencent Cloud

Tencent Cloud is the cloud computing brand of Tencent Group, officially providing cloud services since 2010. It caters to government institutions, enterprises, and individual developers worldwide, offering products and services in cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence. Tencent Cloud boasts global infrastructure coverage, operating in 21 regions with 58 availability zones. It has over 1 million servers worldwide and a bandwidth reserve of 200Tbps. Its strengths include a comprehensive product line, robust technical foundation, extensive connectivity capabilities, an open ecosystem, and excellent technical support, enabling digital transformation across various industries.

Tencent Cloud promotional registration link: https://curl.qcloud.com/rbDL8jYd

Other cost-effective server recommendations: https://blog.vpszj.cn/archives/41.html

Tested Configuration Details

Configuration for this review:

  • CPU: 2 cores
  • RAM: 1GB
  • Storage: 40GB
  • Traffic: Unmetered
  • Bandwidth: 200Mbps
  • Location: Korea·Seoul
  • DDoS Protection: None
  • IP Addresses: 1 IPv4
  • Price: ¥35/month

Tencent Cloud Lightweight Application Server purchase link: https://curl.qcloud.com/9FXOSIr1

Hardware Specifications

The CPU is an Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8255C CPU @ 2.50GHz.

Performance Tests


Single-core: 713.79 points, Multi-core: 979.63 points, Multi-threading Ratio: 1.37

Test script:

curl -fsL jsdelivr.zeruns.com/gh/LemonBench/LemonBench@master/LemonBench.sh | bash -s -- --full

BT Panel Benchmark

Single-core: 1557 points, Multi-core: 3114 points

BT Panel installation script:

if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ];then curl -sSO https://download.bt.cn/install/install_panel.sh;else wget -O install_panel.sh https://download.bt.cn/install/install_panel.sh;fi;bash install_panel.sh ed8484bec

Unixbench Test

Single-core: 521.2 points, Multi-core: 741.2 points

Test script:

wget --no-check-certificate https://gitee.com/zeruns/Linux-shell/raw/master/unixbench.sh && chmod +x unixbench.sh && ./unixbench.sh

Geekbench 5

Single-core: 420 points, Multi-core: 538 points.

Complete test report: https://url.zeruns.com/f0R8S

Test script:

wget --no-check-certificate https://img.zeruns.com/down/Geekbench-5.4.3-Linux.tar.gz && tar xf Geekbench-5.4.3-Linux.tar.gz && cd Geekbench-5.4.3-Linux && ./geekbench_x86_64

Geekbench 6

Complete test report: https://url.zeruns.com/QO79y

Single-core: 416 points, Multi-core: 324 points

Test script:

wget --no-check-certificate https://img.zeruns.com/down/Geekbench-6.3.0-Linux.tar.gz && tar xf Geekbench-6.3.0-Linux.tar.gz && cd Geekbench-6.3.0-Linux && ./geekbench_x86_64

# For ARM:
wget https://img.zeruns.com/down/Geekbench-6.1.0-LinuxARMPreview.tar.gz && tar xf Geekbench-6.1.0-LinuxARMPreview.tar.gz && cd Geekbench-6.1.0-LinuxARMPreview && ./geekbench_aarch64


Test script:

curl -LsO https://jsdelivr.zeruns.com/gh/sayem314/serverreview-benchmark@master/bench.sh; chmod +x bench.sh && ./bench.sh -a share

Bandwidth Test

The multi-threaded speed test across China's three main ISPs (IPv4) resulted in a maximum download speed of 805.95 Mbps and a maximum upload speed of 191.97 Mbps.

Test script:

bash <(curl -sL https://jsdelivr.zeruns.com/gh/i-abc/Speedtest@master/speedtest.sh)

Network Latency

The average latency across the three major ISPs is 110 ms, with the fastest being Suzhou Telecom at 35 ms.

Network Routes

Outbound Routes

Shanghai Telecom outbound route, potentially detouring through the US.

Chaozhou Unicom outbound route, potentially detouring through the US (latency data suggests otherwise).

Guangzhou Mobile outbound route, potentially detouring through the US (latency data suggests otherwise).

Inbound Routes

Inbound route to Shanghai Telecom is direct.

Inbound route to Guangzhou Unicom is direct to Shanghai and then to Guangzhou.

Inbound route to Guangzhou Mobile is direct to Hong Kong and then to Guangzhou.

IP Quality Scores & Email Port Availability

-------------IP Quality Check--Based on oneclickvirt/securityCheck-------------
Data is for reference only and may not fully reflect actual results. Cross-check multiple sources if discrepancies occur.
DNS Blacklist: 314 (Total Check) 0 (Clean) 2 (Blacklisted) 13 (Other)
Google Search Feasibility: NO
-------------Email Port Check--Based on oneclickvirt/portchecker-------------
LocalPort ✔     ✔     ✔     ✔     ✔     ✔    
QQ        ✘     ✔     ✔     ✘     ✔     ✘    
163       ✘     ✔     ✔     ✘     ✔     ✘    

Test script:

curl -L https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/za/-/raw/main/ecs.sh -o ecs.sh && chmod +x ecs.sh && bash ecs.sh

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